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Random Acts of Kindness Home

Random Acts of Kindness

With the help of some of our parents, a list of community service ideas and activities has been compiled that you can do with your elementary aged children at home. Entitled “Random Acts of Kindness”, these activities will provide your child/ren the opportunity to give back to their community in meaningful, rewarding ways. Children love helping others, and these ideas will give them the opportunity to show how they are kids of great character!

  • Bring in a neighbor’s garbage pails.
  • Write a letter to a faraway family member.
  • Open the door for others all day.
  • Leave at least 3 kind notes for members of your family where you know they will find them.
  • Take extra dog food, treats, or toys to a local animal shelter.
  • Bring toys in good condition to a local non-profit organization or hospital.
  • Write a letter to a soldier.
  • Hold a back-pack drive.
  • Write a letter to a friend you don’t see very often.
  • Bake cookies or make a homemade card for a senior center.
  • Walk around your neighborhood and pick up trash.
  • Volunteer in the local library straightening bookshelves.
  • Give a hug to someone who seems sad or upset today.
  • Write notes of appreciation for teachers, custodian, or other important people in your life.
  • Sit with someone new at lunch today.
  • Send a letter to a former teacher telling them the difference they made in your life.
  • Donate books to the library or a charity.
  • Write holiday cards for any holiday to take to a nursing home, assisted living center or hospital.
  • Send thank you cards to the police or fire station.
  • Slip paper hearts under the windshield wipers of parked cars.
  • Sort and deliver bags of gently used clothing for donation.
  • Cash in all of your pennies and donate them today.
  • Give a “free car wash” ticket to family and neighbors. Ask the people who receive them to simply pay a kindness forward.
  • Smile and say hello to everyone you meet today.
  • Leave out birdseed for the birds or squirrels.
  • Surprise your school custodian by wiping down the desks, sweeping the floors, etc. Leave a card and treat as well.
  • Participate in the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive with your family.
  • Bring music to a nursing home.
  • Come up with an idea of your own and share it with your teacher!!!